Guatemala 2019

There is very little we are able to say about our trips to Guatemala every year. It’s our seventh year in a row, and if you’ve followed our blog or have known us at all for any amount of years, you know this trip to Eagle’s Nest is something we cannot miss. Words just don’t do the job when describing our time spent there. SO MUCH happens. We’re grateful for video and photo to be able to convey the feeling of this place, and these people. Every year, there’s new faces, and every year there’s some faces missing. So we appreciate you taking the time to look at these photos, they are some of the most meaningful that we take all year. The other thing we’d say, is that God is working here in amazing and obvious ways, and joining Him in that is probably the most incredible honor we’ve ever been able to experience. There’s a lot of ways that you can donate and serve, but giving a small monthly amount to Eagle’s Nest to help raise these special kids is an incredible way to do so. – There’s a video we made of the trip at the bottom of this post as well, if you stick around that long. 🙂 

If you want to see many of these photos really come to life, this video has a lot of the same moments in video form. We hope you enjoy watching, and thanks again for looking at the whole blog!




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