Guatemala 2018

Guatemala never disapoints. We know now more than ever before why we go down there. This was our sixth year in a row visiting the children and our now extended family at Eagle’s Nest Orphanage in Solola, Guatemala, and each year it feels more like home. Many of  kids are growing up, new kids are introduced all the time to the children’s home, and some have been adopted or returned to their families. But the thing that remains every year is a beautiful picture of love and care that each child here receives. Coming from some unimaginable situations, some of these kids have never known what true love and care looks like until they get to Eagle’s Nest.

Our time this year was a little different, simply because we arrived almost 5 days later than our church team, since we had a wedding back home to attend to. But that also meant we stayed later than the team, and having the last 4 full days be calm, quiet, and filled with a lot of quality one on one time, was restful and beautiful. Here’s a video we made and some photos to give you a glimpse. As always, if you feel led, Eagle’s Nest would love your support! Get involved here:


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All the current kids! 🙂 2018-02-19_0070

We got to shoot some senior portraits for this stud!

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